Autumn Leaves

Thursday, November 6, 2014

'An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day' is a quote I can totally relate to at the moment. Now that it's Fall and the leaves are falling down, I'm happy to be living in the woods because now I can enjoy my morning walks with the dogs even more, especially when I put my favorite music on. The crunch the leaves make under your feet, the crisp air that cools the skin, the foggy days, the rustic colors and the cozy sweaters, socks and layers.. oh how much I love it! 

By the way, talking about my favorite music, I must admit that I've been listening to Ed Sheeran non-stop lately, he's such a great singer-songwriter. His songs are so touching and they give me goosebumps all the time. Last week he gave a concert here in Holland. Unfortunately, when I wanted to buy tickets, his concert was already sold out. A real bummer, but hopefully I have more luck next time.
  1. love the photos of autumn leaves, they are always so photogenic!

    1. Fall is such a great time to take photos, you really get into the cozy mood.

  2. I wanted to go to see him live but in the same week Linkin Park was playing in Amsterdam as well, so I prefer to see a band, when I was waiting for this concert for 14 years :)

    1. Very nice to hear you got the chance to see the concert you've been waiting for so long. Hope you had a great evening!

  3. Heerlijk he zo'n herfstwandeling, ik kan er ook echt zo van genieten! Wat jammer dat je Ed Sheeran gemist hebt, ik zag hem afgelopen zomer op Pukkelpop en het was echt goed, maar ik ben er zeker van dat hij snel terug komt!

    X Sara

    1. Ja precies, even lekker verstand op 0 en alleen maar genieten. Kan soms zo fijn zijn. Oh echt?! Ik hoop dat hij snel weer terug komt, dan ben ik de eerste in de rij haha. xx


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