Morning Coffee

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Benjamin Franklin once said: ‘’The early morning has gold in its mouth’’, and I totally agree with this statement. Call me a crazy girl, but yes, I like to get up early. I used to love sleeping late on weekends and on days off, but my sleeping pattern has changed completely ever since my internship in Rome. I actually started to like getting up early and going to work. Now, even during my summer holidays, I put my alarm clock at 7:30am-ish! I know it's so incredibly tempting to lay in bed all morning, but I actually feel so much better and I have much more energy throughout the day when I get up early. It just feels good to wake up early (ok, sometimes I force myself), to have a cup of coffee or tea in the lovely morning silence and to go for a run afterwards. More time awake equals more time to get things done.. Only advantages, you see!

But waking up early in the morning sometimes, well, doesn't work. It's 09:30am, I just woke up, made myself a cup of coffee and snuggled up in my bed again. Lazing out, reading a book or a magazine, and watching series isn't so bad after all. Besides.. that's what Sundays are for, right? :)

Have a relaxing Sunday everyone!

  1. Ik sta ook liefst vroeg op eigenlijk, ik heb altijd zoveel te doen in een dag dat ik steeds uren te kort kom (ook op zondag). Voor mijn werk sta ik dagelijks om 5:30u op, en in het weekend word ik standaard rond 7-7:30u wakker, dus dan sta ik ook maar op :)

    X Sara

    1. Wow, 5:30u, dat is pas vroeg! Als die vroege uren eenmaal in je systeem zitten, dan hebben ze je ook te pakken in het weekend haha. xx

  2. I love that Ben Franklin quote! I used to be a night owl, but have been becoming more and more of a morning person lately. It makes my days go so much smoother!

    xo, Mandy
    Saguaros & Stilettos

  3. I am absolutely a morning person. I wake up at 5am to exercise before work, and even on weekends I usually don't sleep much past 7! Mornings are just my most productive time of day!

    1. Wow, 5am!! You must be very, very motivated. Good job! :)

  4. Wonderful post! There's a certain satisfaction with waking up early; like a mini accomplishment. I just stumbled across your blog and it's an instant follow. x

  5. Hello, I have nominated you for the Liebster Award, check my blog and go for it, thanks! x


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