London Photo Diary

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Hi guys! I'm so sorry I haven't been writing any posts for the last two weeks. I'm trying to find a couple of proper excuses, but I honestly can't come up with anything good. Guess I've been a bit lazy and had a little lack of inspiration. Not such a good start of the year, as I told myself to keep up the good work. But I'm back now and since I still owe you some pictures of my Christmas trip to London, I want to make it up sharing them with you today.

I already gave you a little sneak peek in this post and told you that I visited London for the first time. This city definitely didn't leave me disappointed. I could probably fill all the pages of my notebook about how much I love London, it is such a great moving city. It was quite hard to pick out the best pictures for posting since I took more than 400 (!) pictures. Felt like a true tourist haha! So I warn you for the photo bombing right now. I would say, let the pictures speak for themselves and go visit that city as soon as you can! :)

  1. Beautiful pictures!

  2. Nice pics. I always enjoy in London!!!

  3. Replies
    1. Me too, from the moment I got there I was in love haha. Thank you Mónica!

  4. Ik hou zo van Londen! Het is zo'n prachtige stad :) En je foto's zijn erg mooi~

  5. So many pretty pictures! Seriously I love them! Makes me miss London even more! x

    1. Thank you Ariana, such a sweet comment! Have a nice weekend! X

  6. Love London, great pics!


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