Yup, and that was once again a great week of the Nijmeegse Vierdaagse. For the ones who are not familiar with this event, the International Four Days Marches of Nijmegen is the largest marching event and one of the biggest sporting events in the world. Each year in mid-July this event takes place at the city I was born in: Nijmegen. Since 1916 thousands of walkers participate in these marches and walk 30, 40 or 50 kilometers each day for four days. Back in the days, this event was only for military participants, but as the years passed by more civilians started to participate and now some 46.000 walkers come from many different countries in the world. I love that it has become so international!
I can hear you thinking.. 'What's so special about it? Walking 30 to 50 kilometers daily for four days, what's the fun part?' Well I can tell you: it's all about the people and the atmosphere. It's fantastic! People are happy, laughing, singing, enjoying.. sometimes crying because of the pain in their feet or the blisters that need to be punctured, but the people who support and cheer non stop on the sidelines will definitely give the participants a feeling of pride. This big event starts on Tuesday and ends on Friday. On Wednesday all the participants pass my house, so every year I wake up at 5.30 in the morning and I support them all, even after a few hours of sleep after partying. Unfortunately I have never participated the walks, but I believe that when you pass 'Via Gladiola' and cross the finish line on the last day, you would really be proud of yourself. It's a true victory!

During the walking event, accompanying festivities are organized. The Vierdaagsefeesten, or the Four Days Parties, is the biggest music festival of the Netherlands. More than one million people visit the city and watch the more than 200 bands playing music. Performers entertain at various locations and at numerous cafes in the entire city. There're different types of music, from dance to folk, from salsa to singer-songwriters.. There's something for everyone. I really like these parties, because you get to hang around, drink, dance and talk with your friends, but also because you get to meet people from all around the world.
I'm always very much looking forward to this event. For about eight years now, I have been saying 'next year I will participate and walk those marches', but I still haven't done it. I don't know what it is.. It's something I really, really want to do, but I somehow don't manage to make time to train enough for it. Maybe it's just that I like the parties way too much and I don't want to miss those? Haha, yeah well, anyway, one day - whether it's next year or not - one day I will participate and feel that victory myself! Who's with me?
Would you ever walk 30, 40 or 50 kilometers daily for four days?